This is where you should submit your document for approval and signature:
Please ensure that the correct ticket type is chosen:
TYPE: HR Document for Approval/Signature by Group Head of HR & CEO
Please ensure that you give a clear description of the document that needs to be approved and signed on the SUBJECT of your ticket submission. (Example: SUBJECT: JOB OFFER - Mr. JOHN DOE - TECHNICAL WRITER)
Also Ensure that you attach the following supporting documents onto the portal submission:
- FOR JOB OFFER - attach the final PDF version of the Job Offer.
- For other documents, please attach a scanned copy of the document that needs to be approved and signed. If the document needs to be signed on hardcopy, please mention it on the description of your your ticket.
- Any essential email communications about your document.
Upon approval of the Group Head of HR and the CEO, the CEO's Desk will affix their QR-coded E-signatures on the document. Then, the softcopy of the signed document (with stamp, if needed) will be given to the requester.
Any questions, please contact the CEO's DESK at extension 1365.
Or email us at
Best Regards,
CEO's Desk Support Team