Dear All, 


We would like to remind everyone using the CEO’s DESK PORTAL ( to please read and go-through the KNOWLEDGE-BASE section of the portal where we have uploaded the company policies and procedures on specific workflows related to documents approval.  If you are not fully familiar with company procedures, we suggest that you READ through this entire section of the portal. 


In addition, below is the company policy on submissions related to the approval of contracts & agreements: (ALL COORDINATORS SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH THIS POLICY)


CEO PORTAL URL:  (This is a secure system. Link will not display if you are not logged-in


Contracts (with customers) for Approval and Signature:


This is where you should submit your documents for approval and signature: 


Ensure that you attach the following supporting documents onto your portal submission:


  • Duly filled-out "Contract Approval Form" (attached below).
  • Softcopy of the final version of your contract (all pages should be initialed by product manager or line manager who has ownership of the contract). 
  • Project Calculation Sheet AND Cash-flow document or Service Contract with Margin Calculation or any document showing the APPROVED finance figures for the contract.
  • Email Approval from Emitac Group Head of Legal (if applicable). If not yet approved by Head of Legal, CEO office will have it approved (will cause delay).
  • Any essential email communications about your document. 
  • All these documents should be uploaded on separate files (especially the contract). 
  • In case of a renewal of an existing contract, The previous agreement should also be attached. 
  • Only the authorized person’s name should be kept in the signatory section:
    The authorized signatory should read:
    (Moh'd Khir) Qasem Moh'd Kenaneh - Chief Executive Officer
  • A.       

Documents that come on "PRINTED COPY ONLY" for signature should also have the soft copies submitted and uploaded onto the CEO Desk Portal.  And then, the printed copy should be delivered to the CEO's office.  


Any questions, please contact the CEO's DESK at extension 1365. 


This is for your strict compliance.